Palo Santo and Sunshine to start the weekend. |
Dahlia is finding her zen for yoga. |
Setting intentions for the month. |
We play rough. |
Behind the scenes, the real chaos. |
Not sure why it always has to be the sofa to play on. |
Chill time. |
I love my big bro. |
Oh be still my heart. |
She has his heart strings. |
Snooze sessions. |
I have some time to rest when they rest. |
So tired she doesn't even acknowledge me on the floor snapping photos. |
Catching more zzz's. |
She likes my blankets. |
All this playtime has them beat. |
Seriously, this IS my best angle for the camera. |
I have no idea how I captured this with both looking and sitting still. |
Right before chaos. |
But we are SO stinking cute Mom. |
First bath and oh yes she was dirty. |
Last bit of the YellowBird. You will be missed! |
Sleepy morning face. Hi! |
It's been a month filled with ups and downs and everything in between.
New puppy. New jobs. New schedules.
We are slowly getting back into our groove of life.
The stress of finding a job can pass.
That stress was an all consuming monster that was really hard to tame.
I apologize for lack of connecting with everyone because of it.
That downward spiral can get pretty tangled.
But now we are stepping back up.
Beginning with yoga in the morning.
I heard doves cooing this morning.
The sound of birds will forever remind me of my grandparents.
It's a very soothing sound for me.
It's like PA2 was calling out to me saying,
"BJ it's a new day, let's get this adventure started."
So with the aid of sunshine streaming in my window.
And both pups joining me on my mat.
We greeted the day with sun salutations and puppy tails.
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