Inspiring Quote

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

DAY 3:  Inspiration Past, Present & Future

One of my fav polaroids taken on a trip in Mendocino, CA.

It was a perfect day.

Beautiful weather.

Just wandering the Victorian home-lined streets with a smile on my face and SX-70 at my hip.

I turned that polaroid into a card adorned with one of my fav quotes,

"Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry."  - Jack Kerouac

Now that card is hanging above our cooktop in the kitchen to inspire me daily.



It's been a glorious day.

Sunshine.  Low 70s.  Blue skies.

Cherry blossoms are blooming.


 I got a free chocolate drinking elixir when I stopped by the local chocolate shop to drop off my resume with high hopes of gaining employment.  

[ insert happy dance ]

Now I'm lounging on the sofa after a productive day.

Watching the afternoon sun cast cool shadows through the bamboo blinds.

While our goofy dogs try to capture a fly trapped in those blinds...

Cheers to Spring.

Fresh starts.

Daily inspiration.

And not being sorry for any of the adventurous choices you make.



Monday, April 2, 2018

DAY 2:  A Simple Gift


I love giving gifts.

The thought behind it.

The search.

The handwritten note.

The presentation.

I love the whole process.

Now that I'm having to live life on the frugal edge.

I decided to send my dad some seeds for his garden.

Of course his real gift is our annual birthday poem.

Each year we send each other a poem.

It's my favorite gift.

The most thoughtful ones are always my fav.

It's simple but completely from me and my heart.


I'm sitting here on the sofa today.

Listening to the wind chimes and snacking on homemade chocolate icing.

I was too lazy to actually bake last night.

BUT I wanted something sweet and icing is sooo easy...

I have off on Mondays currently.

And I'm feeling out of sorts today.

It's hard to enjoy my "downtime" when I need to bring in more money to live.


I'm strong.

I've got this.

I just am having a hard time today.

And simplicity is so important right now.

Less crap.

More focus on real.

I've got this.


Morning View

Sunday, April 1, 2018



My loveable.  Fluffable. Goofy as ever Husky dog.

He's totally a therapy dog for me.

And this is one of his morning rituals - scavenging for birdseed.

I put two heaping scoops of seed on those posts and he immediately starts searching for dropped treasure.  

And if a bird so happens to fly down... well he "woo woos" (husky bark for "hey!") and stares up aghast that they would try to take his treats.

My weekend morning ritual consists of coffee in my gifted mug from Shanna while living on the Oregon coast and watching this fluff from the window on our sofa.

Since it's warming up I decided to go outside for a better view... but the birds aren't quite into me outside while they eat yet.

So back in on the sofa I have nestled.

Dahlia is asleep on Josh's side of the sofa.

The door is open to let the cool breeze and spring air inside and freshen up our little adobe casita.

It's overcast today and very mellow after the blue moon last night.

It's so nice to just sit.

Listen to the outdoors (including a rooster who loves the sound of his own voice...) while sipping coffee.

And just watch the birds fight over seed and enjoy the presence of my dogs.

Josh sleeps peacefully in the bedroom.

And I just soak all of this goodness in.

Such a nice and simple way to recharge.


I'm participating in a month long photo challenge.

Because well, I tend to suck at these things.

And I want to amp up my commitment to pausing to appreciate a moment.

Hence the challenge.

Susannah Conway is the beautiful hostess whose inspiration has definitely helped me out during hard times.

Her passion and way with photos and words has always challenged my creative spirit.

I think I've been following her since around 2009 or so when I first got into blogging.

So without further ado.


I'm going to enjoy the rest of my peaceful Easter Morning.

No joke about it.

Happy April Fools!


Happy Birth Month DaddddDDDddEEeeeeeeeee

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