Chill in the Air

Saturday, September 29, 2018

front door open.

air is thinner now.


crisp and cool.

it's almost time to start our fire again.

as Hanz goes through the woodpile.

fishing out who knows what poor creature about to get tortured.

or just to strip and gnaw on the poor planks.

Dahlia is on clean up crew as well.

cold morning puppy fits are more frequent now.

and puppy pouting and nods towards the leash are beyond bossy maneuvers to make us feel guilty.

Josh is walking around much better and his injuries healed.

it's been almost two weeks since he returned and we have been enjoying each moment of it.

I'm meeting with a few ladies at the farmers market today to see about a Saturday morning job.

I'm excited to step out of my comfy zone and venture towards this market.

See how it feels.

I really do enjoy going to the market once I get over my initial stupid anxiety of "talking to people."

I do it almost every day.

But when I'm on my own, sometimes that old anxiety creeps up.

So I'm tackling that this morning.

on my own.

and hopefully I'll bring a little bounty back with me.  

Cheers to fall.

apple pies (which was amazing btw)

pumpkin bread (made that yesterday but it wasn't photo worthy).

soups and stews.

sweaters and tights and cozy nights.

pumpkin + spice

red chili

ohhh and house slipper searching!


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