Once Upon A Time

Saturday, November 16, 2019

once upon a time there was a girl who fantasized about her wonderful life with prince charming and how good she was to him because he loved her so.

as she grew older and met her prince charming they created a life together filled with love and animals, warmth and safety, but she started to feel lost and unable to attain what her life really was meant to be and left prince charming and her comfortable life for the thrill of new love, hope and adventure to find and be true to herself.

in the end she continued to search for herself wrapped up in the heart angst of being in love with a monster and wanting to have a loving and adventurous family life with her monster and their two dogs but life with a monster has rocky edges and she found herself even further lost than she had ever been, spiraling through life in animalistic fight or flight, reacting quickly and exhausting her mind and body with waves of sadness and confusion until the drowning could go on no longer and with child-like fragility lifted her head up to breathe life into her listless body, looking upon herself, she saw the worn, tired look in her eyes she knew, as miss good vibes always knows, that it was the turning point, the fork in the road, the light at the end of one tunnel, she had to make a choice wether to be true to herself and let her life blossom and be as fiery and fierce and beautiful as she always dreamed it could be or to allow her undying love for a monster eat her alive until there was nothing left of her to remember and so she smiled at the monster, told the monster how very much she loves him, her heart-fluttering butterflies at the mere closeness of his skin, his sculpted stomach and sparkling golden glint in his almond shaped eyes, the heat of their energy and stinging surges of electricity in golden hued waves, the seduction of sound that he created for her ears, all of this and the expansion of her mind that he with his assistance that door had been opened, among all of these flashes of feelings, she raised her chin towards the light and she stopped drowning.


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