Mellow Mood Magic

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Current mood:  Dark.  Thoughtful.

Cozy Meter:  Above the charts.

While the exhausting job search continues to loom in the back of my mind I have continued to do my best to enjoy the time I am spending while not focused on the job hunt.

It's difficult.

But each day I sit in a little nook that I've carved out of pillows in the far corner of our sofa.

I snuggle with a warm cup of coffee (heated on the wood burning stove to the perfect temperature).

I watch the birds feast on seed while the dogs explore the yard and devour whatever shells fall from the feeders.

The birds are getting fat.

I like fat, happy birds.

Early this morning we were greeted with a welcomed blanket of snow.

I arose from the bed around 5AM.

Josh was still awake.

I ventured out to the living room to witness a several inch layer of snow covering the yard.

Thank goodness I finished shoveling gravel into the yard.

We let the dogs outside to play.

The second time I arose from bed it was about 10:30 AM.

The fire is crackling.

The dogs are now curled up inside with me.

It's partially cloudy outside with an occasional snowflake.

A beautiful rust, black and white bird sits next to a pile of seed on the feeder.

It's hard to put into words how cozy this casita is.

Wherever I call home I try to make my space as welcoming and relaxing as possible.

Between Josh and myself... we have perfected the art of good vibes in a space.

Daily smudging with palo santo, local sagebrush, and selenite.

House plants that adorn and filter the air in every room.

Music that fills the casita with creative vibes.

The aroma of freshly baked goods.

Even essential oils are added to our kettle over the stove to enhance the mood.

Just the sound of a fire crackling.

There really is no other word to describe our little casita.



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