An Authentic Journey

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Today I am grateful for:

strength in the midst of a difficult journey


Three months of job hunting.

My first interview at an Art Gallery and the owner told me she had essentially already hired someone but she just wanted to meet me.

Owners telling me they will contact me and never getting in touch or waiting 2 1/2 weeks to get in touch only to lie and tell me the position is filled and then post an Ad on Craigslist a day later.

I had a job for 2 days at the animal shelter.

The 2 days right before Thanksgiving.

But sharing a car and not having furniture took it's toll.

Plus that was a fucking difficult job when no one could train properly.

So I quit.

And the job my heart wanted is in Taos.  

A 101 mile round trip away from the casita.

At $11/ hr it just didn't make financial sense.

No matter how much my heart wanted it.

I thought I found another worthy job at a horse ranch helping people.

Alas I contacted them as requested and still crickets.

So I'm taking a different approach.

I will not be someone's bitch.

Fuck these wishy washy rude people.

I'm going to focus on what I want.

And let the job find me.

I focused on my goals last night.

I'm putting them into action today.

Daily meditations (no matter how short) to help set my intention and focus.

Self care including two days of workout training with Josh and three days of yoga (in town or at home).

Eating more well rounded meals because we've been eating like college students since we arrived.

Continuing to further my knowledge of living a zen life.

It starts today.


Each day I will write a blog post with a photo.

No expectations.

No rules.

Just a grateful post and a photo.

To help keep me on track.

Cheers to the journey of discovery.


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